Saturday 15 October 2011

The Post Office, Game Show Music, and the Pope.

Good morrow to you, reader. How are you? Scratch that, you never answer, FOOL.
I have been awake since 6.30 AM. I didn't think this ungodly hour existed on a Saturday. Why does the world hate me?! /despair/ Anyhow, child-sitting today was as expected. They nagged me to feed them, to take them to the park, to play the piano, and to watch DVDs with them. I can't even play the damn piano. Nevermind, it's work. And I sure as heck need it.
Moving onward, and upward. Did you know they close the post office at twelve thirty on a Saturday in my village? This frustrated me to no end, today. Now I can't send my urgent titterings afar to other lands 'til Monday. Do you realise the immense physical, mental, and emotional pain this brings me? No? Okay, then...bit awkward, now, isn't it?
Game show music. Does it mean to be that patronising? Or is it a natural talent it possesses? Argh.
OH. I know what I can tell you mere mortals. Today I watched a show about the Vatican. Personally, I found the most interesting thing to be that there's a River Tiber in the Vatican. Presumably named after the Roman Emperor Tiberius?
Not that a wrinkly old guy doesn't interest me. [Of course, I understand that it's not just his 'Olay re-energise' lacking skin that is important it's the fact that he is apparently Christ's representative on Earth. Hum...]
Nugget of wisdom: "Someone should tell the queen about 'Cash For Gold'..."


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