Saturday 1 October 2011

Blogging. What a silly word.

Evenin' all. I'm new to all this fandangle technology, but as far as I can see, wasting time (that I should be using for homework and the like) spewing out my every thought and nonsensical whim to you, the (hopefully) avid blog-stalker, is a fantastic idea. It is a fantastic idea for many a reason. Please, allow me to list them...
1. You, my friends, will now have the deep joy of suffering my ridiculous tittle-tattle, until I - in my state of complete blogging ignorance- realise how much time I've wasted.
2. I can type away and nobody will interrupt me with arrogant little smiley faces (that I'd quite like to disfigure, if I could) like they do on certain unmentionable social networking sites.
3. Nobody else reads this drivvle.
How rude, I seem to have neglected an introduction. Lend me your ears, my friends, for the purpose of this 'ere blogging malarkey, my name is Daphne. I get called Lieutenant George, after the character from 'Blackadder'. You'll see why in posts to come. BUT, I am a girl. Female. Woman. All that jazz. I adore languages, culture, art, proper music (the Beatles, the Kinks, Vera Lynn) and generally taking the mick out of people who get on me nerves...
Excellent. It's pleasure to meet you.
Now the formalities have been dealt with, let us move onto something more pressing. 'Blogging'. What an absurd name. I love it. Say it like Rowan Atkinson- that never get's old.
And my nugget of wisdom for today: The best things in life are blue.

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