Sunday 9 October 2011

Jumpers, Autumn, and Sadistic Leaf-Killing Machines.

Good evening, everyone. How was your weekend?
I did a lot of work. However, I'm still alive. Just. Plus, my friend sent me the link I shared with you 'orrible lot at an earlier date, that allows you to check yourself for signs of being a pschopath. Remember the one? Ironically enough, it was the very friend who I said was a pschopath. She told me I ought to check...
Good news, wisdom-seekers, I bought myself a massive knitted jumper from good ol' Primarni (that's Primark, by the's an ironic play on words. Armani? Primark? Primarni? No? I should stop explaining the joke). Buy jumpers at least three or four sizes too big. That's what I do, because then you're never short of a huge, woolly thing to fall asleep on the settee in. I know, how quaint.
I think it must finally be Autumn, because suddenly I have the obscure urge to stand on every single dead leaf I find in the village. Infact, I will go out of my way to stand on a particularly curled up, crunchy-looking leaf, just for the sadistic pleasure of the brief one up-manship that comes with it.
A nugget of wisdom: flying is easy, it's just falling to the ground and missing.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there!
    I love reading your blog. It always makes me smile. Keep it up!
