Friday 30 March 2012

Mexico, Chinese people, Cyanide and Happiness.

Good evening, all. The sun is out, I've finished school for the next two weeks, and the amount of work I have to do over the break is only a little bit heartbreaking. Okay, a lot heartbreaking. But I can forget about that for a little while. While the others stew in the hot tub for a bit, I thought I'd take this opportunity to generally confuse, and worry you.
There are few things of note today. The first being that le Kellen is off awandering Mexico as of this evening. He says he'll buy me something shiny, so I guess I don't mind. I like shiny things.
The second is that on Wednesday morning, my History teacher played me a video telling me that all the Chinese people are going to steal our jobs if we don't educate ourselves enough. It's a fair point, I mean, why would you, as an employer, hire a western worker with high wages, and expectations of three weeks paid holiday a year, when you could hire a Chinese worker- with the same, if not greater, skill, that expects fewer privileges? (I'm not saying they don't deserve the same working conditions as westerners, but you know what I'm trying to say.) So, anyways, I've been freaking out ever since. Studying and working like a lunatic so that the Chinese students in my year don't beat me. *winning smile*
That was all a bit intense. Here. Enjoy this. From Cyanide and Happiness- which I adore.


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