Saturday 10 March 2012

First Years, Blogs, and Werther's Originals.

Hallo, my pretties. It's me. Don't feel you have to applaud. *cough*
So, lately I've been trying to get back into blogging. A silly idea really, I have quite enough to be suffocating me, but if procrastination was an Olympic sport, I'd so win gold. Now, I reckon the key to becoming a good blogger is to read lots of other blogs. And, I'm just not sure where to start, so any suggestions would be jolly spiffing, chaps.
Yes. I really did just say "jolly spiffing, chaps." You can keep that one.
My, my, my. What to ramble about this morning? Well, I nearly caught a first year with a Werther's Original yesterday. Sadly, said first year got suspicious and my friend ate the sweets instead. Oh the trials and tribulations. It's almost like you're not supposed to trick first years into your orbit with confectionary. Next time.
Love. Luck. Tea.



  1. Hello Daffers, (you said I could call you Daffers didn't you?) I don't know what kind of blogs you're looking to read, but I can probably suggest a few. Just let me know what you're looking for.

  2. Hallo, Natalie! Oh, really? Wunderbar! Hum.. something funny would be great, dear. Or maybe something cultural. what d'you suggest?

  3. Sorry it took me so long to respond...I'm going to keep thinking about it, but for now try this blog (one of my favorites):

  4. Oh, yeah. This lady's ace. YES. ACE IS OUT AGAIN.
