Wednesday 27 June 2012

Dedication, Soldiers, and My Middle Finger.

So, I said I'd blog tonight. And here I am. Even I amaze myself with my constant application and dedication. Heh.
So, this week has been sort of cloudy in any sense. Actually, last weekend was amazing. 'Maiden Newton At War' is always the best part of two years. Trundled around with a few friends, all of us dressed up in my forties gear, and me in my Navy uniform. Usually wolf whistles and being stared at by strange men would freak me out, but I was weirdly okay with it. It was a good laugh, and we watched them doing drill, and re-enact battles, and sit around being... men in uniform.
And Saturday night was so good. Loads of music, and people dancing. There was one particularly nice young man that I danced with, while his crazy friend took my friends for a whirl around the floor. But I forgot to ask his name...I know. I'm the height of intelligence. But I do know that he's 21, and is a car salesman, which he says, makes him the second most hated man- next to estate agents.  We swapped hats! Man, I want a hat like his. And it was all just a good laugh.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday have been far from perfect. I'll be okay. My friend, although a bit of a hop-head, once said "Everything is alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end."
So, when life gives me lemons, I'm going to give them back with my middle finger.

Love. Luck. Tea.

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