Saturday 17 December 2011

Humpty Dumpty, Fat Kids On Tyre Swings, and Synthetic Milk.

Children! Children settle down! ~ehem~ Enough of my patronising you, and let me first apologise to my err three dedicated followers, for abonding you for almost a month. I am ashamed, believe me. And another apology to my fantastica friend, Ria, a mortal I befriended on Earth, to whom I promised to blog last night, and I would have, if I hadn't have found myself in someone's front room, with a load of teenagers (one wearing a 'Strongbow' box as a hat?). Anyway, salutations.
Lately, les examens have been swallowing me up, like Humpty Dumpty and his secret alcohol addiction. Think about it...why else would he be sat on a wall, if he knew he was an awkward shape to balance? It's like putting a fat kid on a tyre swing. Sorry...that was unpeacy.
At the aforementioned mortal's request, here it is...A nugget of wisdom: "Argh! There's synthetic milk on my face!"



  1. Welcome back to Blogland and I must say I'm not disappointed, you gave me a much needed giggle at the end of a busy Sunday! x

  2. YOU'RE BACK!! I've been hoping you would post something. I always love reading your posts.
