Tuesday 20 December 2011

Bailey's, Secret Santa, and The Money Tree.

Afternoon, m'lovely jubblies. TODAY I WENT CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. I wonder what it is in the human mind that causes us to want to kill for the last bottle of Bailey's, gauge out eyes over wrapping paper, and lunge for the throats of stroppy teenage shop assisstants...
On the subject of Christmas shopping, why is it that every year we all agree to do 'Secret Santa' and yet  there's always that one girl (or other non-denominational human being) that gets prezzies at the begining of November, and you somehow end up buying for fourteen people, AND a Weasley sized family. One of these days, I'll have to start watering the money tree...


1 comment:

  1. When you start watering your money tree and it starts growing I'll have a cutting! lol xx
