Wednesday 2 November 2011

The Adventures of a Golden Slipper Woman, and Friends.

Everyone! I've not been buried by an avalanche- much to the disappointment of humans around me, I'm sure. Meh. Humans continue to confuse and repulse me, so it's no crying shame...
I joke, I joke. I'm a "people person" or whatever you call it. And today's post will be all about people. So, have you noticed that in every hotel, campsite, and resort, there is ALWAYS the golden slipper woman? By this I mean a woman who, classicly on campsites, can be heard at midnight shrieking with tipsy laughter, dancing around in a negligee that really should have been replaced with something sturdy and less silky (more, say, concrete) a good dozen years ago. In the morning you'll often find this rare breed nursing a slight hangover, shuffling around in her golden slippers, drawing on the end of the timeless 'roll up'.
Next, we have the camp straight man. Need I explain more?
The country bumpkin: commonly found near the Farmer's Market, looking confused, chewing on straw.
The Eccentric. Big hair, funny blazer, buck toothed, crazed-eyed, public school boy- well, typically, anyway.
There are many many more, but they will have to come later, as, quite frankly, I'm knackered. And I've been running off six hours' broken sleep for atleast 4 days now. 10.00 pm. Sweet dreams, humans.
A nugget of wisdom: Ask the golden slipper woman. She told the bumpkin, but he's shy, so you might be better off asking ol' George the eccentric...


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