Saturday 21 January 2012

Grammar, Disciples, and A Reich.

Oh, woe is me. ~melodramatic sigh~ You see, I keep making little spelling/grammar/punctuation mistakes. They pain me. One of these days i'MmA typ3 lIk3 th1s jUsT 2 mAk3 a p01nT.
Moving on, my pretties, I have another tale of woe for ye all. All three of you beautiful people. The tale of woe is this; we are thin on the ground. My many disciples have not come flocking as I'd planned. Now, I hate to sound whiney and all over t'interwebs, but, I need to suck some more t'interweb trawlers into my orbit. But, how? You see, mortals, the only reason I still bring myself to do this when I get the chance is because I like your comments. We need more comments, to build a Reich zat vill last a zousand yars! -That was me immitating Hitler. I feel I should point out here, that I am not a Nazi. I swing neither left, nor right. Nor any other way for that matter. Just saying. I'm digging myself an even deeper hole now, so let me finish this little digging session with: swing whichever way you will, children. Just don't do drugs, and always use protection. Too much?
A nugget of wisdom: (and I will even make it deep and meaningful for you 'orrible lot) Do as ye will, but harm ye none. Wiccan rede.
Love. Luck. Tea.


Wednesday 4 January 2012

Borrowers, Mud Tents, And Lace.

Hello, my pretties! Where have I been these past fifteen days, I hear you cry? Well, my dears, I have been everywhere. Every little corner of my mind has been searched. And all for nothing inparticular. Simply, you wombats, because I've had nothing else to do. I thought about meaningless things, like me as a Borrower. YOU as a Borrower. I thought about building a tent of mud at Glastonbury. I thought about te best way to mend lace.
What's next? You tell me.
